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  • 2022-01-07
    When buying masks, pay attention to the type and scope of use of masks, and pay attention not to buy fake masks. During novel coronavirus...
  • 2020-06-22
    Wearing environment of ultralow temperature medical protective clothingWearing environment of ultralow temperature medical protective clothing This...
  • 2020-06-22
    What is the material of medical protective clothingWhat is the material of medical protective clothingThe medical protective clothing, which is...
  • 2020-06-22
    Knowledge of medical protective clothingKnowledge of medical protective clothingFaced with novel coronavirus pneumonia, a group of medical staff...
  • 2020-06-22
    Knowledge learning of medical protective clothingKnowledge learning of medical protective clothingWhen it comes to protective clothing, people will...
  • 2020-06-22
    Inspection items of medical protective clothingInspection items of medical protective clothingAccording to GB 12014-2009 anti static clothing, GB /...
  • 2020-06-22
    Inspection of medical protective clothingInspection of medical protective clothingThe protective clothing with reliable quality should be selected...


Contact person: Ms Jin
Foreign trade: Carol Qiu
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002.png  hnjq2008@163.com sales@hnjianqi.com
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